The fast-moving national reckoning over sexual harassment in the workplace reached the highest level of television news on Wednesday when NBC fired Matt Lauer, the co-host...
This is one of the most disturbing examples of the liberal lefts attempt to use lies and propaganda against one of the most sacred things we...
U.S. President Donald Trump plans to meet Tuesday with Senate Republicans in a crucial week for his presidency and his tax plan that could decide whether...
Trump continued the annual presidential tradition during an event Tuesday in the White House Rose Garden. The act of leniency means 47-pound Drumstick and 36-pound Wishbone...
The U.S. State Department has issued a terror warning for Americans abroad after the Islamic State threatened to bathe the Vatican in “Christmas Blood” this December. Islamic State...
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A female radio news anchor said Thursday that Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken groped and “forcibly kissed” her without her consent during an overseas USO tour...
It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is the same man who...
More timely than ever.
Please refrain from trying to shoot them down, kthnxbai - Your friends at the LAPD